Whether we like it or not college is a huge part of society. It starts at a young age with teachers asking us what we want to be when we grow up, then in later years it turns to preparing us for college, testing for college, touring colleges, financing for college, starting college and then you may or may not finish it. College is heavily pushed upon students, at least it is in America. You are almost shunned if you don't attend any higher level place of education, people think you're a drop out and that you're not doing anything with your life. Mostly because for years leading up to college we are told that if we do not attend we will fail in life, we'll be poor and will end up making minimum wage our entire life. It's harsh.
Going to any college or university is expensive, very expensive with the cost raising every year. It costs thousands and thousands of dollars to get an education that we apparently "need." We are told to pick a major that will eventually turn into a career. Basically, you are investing copious amounts of money into an education that is supposed to in turn get you a job that will make you even more money. It is an investment. The thing is, it's a risky investment; you are not guaranteed to get a job in the field you studied. For example, I work with a girl that majored in International Affairs. She went to school for five years and then couldn't find a job when she graduated; she now is in debt and works selling at a makeup counter. Her time and money invested in college has since then been a waste.
So we are to invest thousands of dollars into a school that will in turn train us for a career, that we may or may not get once we have graduated. Nothing is guaranteed, no job, no future, nothing. All you can do is hope that all of your hard work has paid off. So, is it worth it?
For some jobs I think yes, definitely. Certain jobs require extensive training and it's necessary to receive higher education. Although, I do think the price for schooling is absurd. I do not think people should be in debt 30 years after they've graduated. For many companies they require a degree, it doesn't necessarily have to be any particular degree but just to show that you completed something.
I personally think experience is more important than a piece of paper saying that I know how to pass a class. You can get all A's and still not know a thing about the subject you "studied." But that opinion doesn't really matter if I can't get a job and pay the bills. Our society has made college necessary, so is it worth it to you?
*picture is not my own. Link:http://www.funnyonlinepictures.com/funny-pictures/graduation-dog/ & https://twitter.com/ColIegeStudent/status/453930175575519232*
*Excuse my venting, sometimes ya just gotta get it out. Also excuse my grammar in the post, some of you are probably thinking "damn. she needs to go to college"*
Ohh, the gems I find on twitter.
*picture is not my own. Link:http://www.funnyonlinepictures.com/funny-pictures/graduation-dog/ & https://twitter.com/ColIegeStudent/status/453930175575519232*
*Excuse my venting, sometimes ya just gotta get it out. Also excuse my grammar in the post, some of you are probably thinking "damn. she needs to go to college"*
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