Where do you find inspiration?
I recently went through a huge stack of old magazines I had and pulled out any pictures that inspired me. Some of the pics are inspiration for my portfolio, some are for clients and others are for me to push the boundaries of the makeup I wear day to day.
Specifically I was inspired to try dark lips this winter, cobalt blue eyeliner, and 'messy' smokey eyes. For spring I'm excited to try orange lips, pastel eyes and white liner.
I also recently tried more creative liner, colored eyebrows and glitter lips for my portfolio. This type of creative makeup is my favorite to do, it's fun to play around and see what you come up with!
While I also love looking at Pintrest and other websites to find inspiration there's something about advertisements and editorials that are inspiring to me. I love to flip through the pages and admire all the hard work and creativity that goes into producing those shots.
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